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For A Free No Pressure Consultation about your Debt Relief Options,
CALL: 877-766-2465 or Email us at:
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Featured Debt Experts of Gail Kaspers www.top1percentclub.com
Dear reader, of late American Debt Enders has received a number of inquiries from consumers looking to obtain a Debt Consolidation Loan to relieve their personal cash flow problem. As a result we have responded to meet this need. We have set up a website which contains over forty lenders, all of whom have been peer reviewed. That means that you the consumer have shared your experiences in dealing with each of them.
This resource is absolutely free to use. I will give you the link here: Get A Consolidation Loan. Before you click on it, here is some guidance to help you. After you get to the site, look in the left hand column and enter your FICO score, or credit score. This will present you with a list of lenders who will lend to you at your credit score. Now, you can check the reviews on each one, and look to see who might be the best to approach for the amount of money you want, and who will provide you with the best interest rate.
You can then apply right on the site, without leaving your home, to see who will provide you with the best terms. Please do not get crazy and think of this as free money. Using this type of loan to resolve a debt issue can be risky a blessing or a curse. We want to keep things on the blessing side. Make absolutely certain that your new monthly payment will be affordable to you, and is at a lower interest rate than the interest rate of the money you are paying back. Make sure you do pay back the money you owe, in other words this is not money from a windfall, although it can feel that way.
If you have gone this route in the past and it has not worked out, then you need to call American Debt Enders and we will help you get back on the right track. Best of luck to you.
If you are struggling with private student loans there is excellent help available. Because of the way in which the private student loan business operates, their is more than one way to approach a debt relief solution for them. We are going to put forth two solutions for you the consumer to choose from. And, by the way, not to toot our own horn, but this is exactly why we say, when it comes to debt relief, we did not invent it, we simply do it better.
First, to really understand why these approaches work so well, you need to know how the world of private student loans works. Here is a brief, to the point article that will explain. And not to worry, when you click the link a new window will open with the article so you will not lose your place. Here is the article on the Pvt Student Loan Industry.
Here are the two approaches. First, Private student loan debt settlement coupled with debt invalidation. If you read the previous article you now now that this lending area is somewhat chaotic. Particularly, as the loan ages and shifts to various collectors and organizations. This is a two barrel approach, if the invalidation fails, than the second settlement barrel is unloaded. This program requires the consumer to be able to afford as a monthly payment, 1% monthly of the loan amount. So, 20,000 dollars of student loan debt, would need a payment of 200 dollars per month to cover both approaches.
If, you cannot afford the 1%, then simply using the also effective debt invalidation approach can be utilized for, in some cases half of one percent.
Please, if you need help in this or any area of unsecured debt, please do not hesitate to either visit our website at Free Credit Counseling.
Well, I am going to start this article which will definitely educate you, by republishing the following excerpt The following article excerpt comes from Credit Shield: Discover Bank Sues On Debt it Does Not Own. Who has experience determining ownership of accounts? I'm still looking for info on who has seen proof of ownership from Discover, proof of untruth of their affidavits. See this article: Discover Bank Sues On Debt it Does Not Own February 16th, 2010 . by wcbensley, an Attorney. For a bank to sue someone to collect a debt, the bank must own the debt. Similarly, if I was going to sue you for stealing my car, I would have to prove that I owned the car. I would have to produce a copy of the Title. Seems like simple proposition. So simple, that it is often overlooked by debtors, their attorneys, and the Courts.
This cute little tactic goes on every day and is exactly why you the debtor does not have a chance against these large institutions when you default. Or, how about you simply get something placed on your credit report in error. Better still, who is even aware that this type of stuff goes on, on a regular basis, and many other violations of consumer law designed and put in place to protect you, the consumer.
Well, my friends, at last their is hope for you the beleaguered debt ridden consumer. Article after article I read on what to do about debt problems all start with contacting the creditor or lender. This assumes that they play nice. Well, whose kidding who. They do not play nice which is why you should never take them on alone if you get into trouble. Don't forget that these guys are collecting usually better than 20% interest in a 3% interest world. Do you really think that they are going to play nice?
So why the title. What comes after the ... are the words Credit Shield. What exactly is credit shield? It is a debt validation or forensic debt audit which was approved by the FTC about 5 years ago, and is designed to take on collectors and creditors who simply do not play by the rules. The Credit Shield system invokes the laws and statutes found in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and 8 other laws to protect you from third party debt collectors, fraudulent debt collection practices, and violations of your rights. We work with a nationwide attorney firm for collecting money for you as well when debt collectors violate your rights by calling or continuing collection without verifying the debt. The amazing thing is that it is cheaper than even debt settlement and even more, if you can take it, it is done in about half the time of debt settlement and provides for credit restoration as the final step of the program, at no additional cost! Credit Shield is both the name of the debt relief program and the name of the company which handles the processing and holds the FTC approval. Many of the methods for invalidating a debt used by Credit Shield are proprietary. I can also tell you that this program comes with a 100% money back guarantee!
So, if you find yourself struggling with debt and a low credit score, why not get a free Credit Shield quote and have the program further explained to you. Considering the 100% money back guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose.
Yes, in an article appearing in Insidearm.com recently,
Elizabeth Warren has introduced a bill with no cosponsors in which the rates
charged by the Federal Government for student loans would be set to the same rate
charged to banks when banks borrow money from the Fed. The bill is Senator Warrens attempt to preempt
the Increase in interest charged on student loans beginning in July of 2013.
Essentially the bill would allow students to borrow at the same rate now
enjoyed by the banks when they borrow money from the Federal Reserve, which is
as of this writing essentially 0.75%.
Average interest rates currently on Federal student loans is 3.4%, but is expected to rise to 6.8% come July 1st. It goes like this, when
banks borrow money to lend to the consumer they get the money at .75%, but make
a very tidy profit, depending on what exactly they charge in interest. It
should be noted here that in 2010 banks were essentially taken out of the student
loan business as they were federalized and brought under the Dep’t of Education
in 2010.
It is anticipated that the federal Government will
bring in about 37 Billion dollars in profit next year on student loans, as
things now stand. It is interesting to note that last year when Congress was
faced with this same issue it elected to put the matter off to this year, and
here we are.
So with all this as background, it is interesting to
note the actual comments
made to the original story when it first appeared in Insidearm.com.
As it is, the Feds under the Dep’t of Education now
offer many debt relief
programs for students struggling under the burden of payments they cannot
afford regarding student loan payments.
You know. Johnny got the degree, but now cannot get a
job, and has the student loan to pay back. He has used up all his deferments
and the defaulted student loans are causing some problems. What sort of
problems you ask? Well, for one thing, if Johnny wants to now work for the
Federal Government, then he has to get his loans under control, because in the Federal
work arena they are somewhat touchy about having debts you are not dealing
with. If you are in the Military, chances are you will not be promoted if you
are just ignoring your debts. Additionally, going back to school to advance
your education, on a student loan, is pretty much not going to happen, until
you correct any default on your current student loans.
The idea that every American is somehow entitled to a
college education
of his or hers choice is a topic for another article.
Now back to what I started to say about the comments on
this article.
Here is one
of them: (name withheld) you are out of touch on student loans. Most students
will never pay back their loans for one reason or other.
(name withheld) “Mike, you are out of touch on student loans.”
Of course I
then realized that these comments are posted by debt collectors, because, except
for myself, that’s you reads this publication. They are already not very happy
that they cannot collect in Student loans as of 2010.
But here is
the real bottom line. If you are saddled with a student loan and cannot afford
to make the current payments, there are
many programs now available through the Dep’t of Education which can lower the
payment, and even in some cases make the payment on the interest due on the
loan and reevaluate your situation each year.
I am a
credit counselor, that is my only interest here, and that is to help you live
a debt free life, and so that is my sole purpose for writing this article. So
if you are stuck in a debt situation and need help, whether it is student loans or another
type of debt, please feel free to use one of the phone numbers and links below
for a free credit counseling session, over the phone and see what your options
are, because there are always options, and make it happen for yourself, because
no one can do it for you.
OK, get ready, because here it comes. Governor Duval
of course of very recent note, in the Boston Marathon Bombing,
said regarding his new budget that in looking to close loopholes,
he is looking to tax the value of your college scholarship. Oh yeah,
that will definitely encourage higher education. Here is the source of the
story: Taxing College Scholarships
This is just one of the many personal
exemptions the Governor is trying to get rid of. And while his new budget
may not pass in its entirety, that does not mean that individual parts will
I don’t think we should tax anything. We’re overtaxed. We should be cutting
taxes to grow the economy,” Kuhner said. “The state government has more than
enough money if they would go after the waste, fraud, and abuse.”
In all seriousness, I am not suggesting that you are entitled to a free college
education, however, when you simply consider the return on the
investment of a college education in todays world, I would suggest choosing
very carefully what your career path will be. Every day, I speak to graduates who are totally stressed out over their Federal and private student loans,
because their seems to be no end in sight to a final payoff. At least as far as Federal Loans go the Dep’t of Education has many programs to relieve the payments and lower the interest rates on your Federal student loans.
You can get a free no obligation quote on federal student loan relief by
visitingconsolidate my student loans.
Where you can download a simple one page application to get a free quote.
What about other types of debt including private student loans. Well,
if your private student loans have gone to collection, then they may qualify
for a debt settlement program.
So, you graduated. Made your parents proud and feel
accomplished. That is a good thing. However, if you are like many of todays graduates you are drowning in student loan debt. It’s not you, and its definitely not your fault. I have been a Certified Debt Expert for 10 years, and I have seen it all before. However, in today’s world there is a new twist, and it is not about to change anytime soon.
While you were busy getting your education, something big happened. What? It is called the new economy. It’s wiping out the middle class, with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, and it’s not about to change.
The good news is that there is an answer, at least to
your student loan problem, and we at American Debt Enders can help. As one of the top rated debt relief companies nationally, we have teamed up with a company called Student Loan Debt Experts. You may not be aware, but the Department of Education, now has many programs available to make your federal student loans manageable.
Here is just a sampling: Standard Repayment Plan: If client’s income is low now, but client expects it to increase
steadily over time, this plan may be right for them.
Based Repayment or IBR: To qualify for IBR, the client must have a partial
financial hardship. Under this plan, the monthly payments are based on income
and family size.
Repayment (ICR) Plan: This repayment plan is similar to the IBR; requirements and
guidelines are the same, however, the repayment amount is calculated with
different formulas.
represent just a few of the options available. So, no reason to stress, but
every good reason to take the following simple action: Simply go to:
consolidate my federal student loans and download the free one page application and return
by email or fax to American Debt Enders, or call 877-766-2465 for a no
obligation consultation and get a free quote on what can be done to help you.
Federal student loan debt is pushing one
trillion dollars nationally. If you are not currently
drowning in your student loan debt this may not be meaningful to you, but it
does effect you because it drags the entire economy. If you are having trouble
managing your student loans then by all means read on, because we have the
answer for you.
The Dep’t of Education through which all
Federal Student Loans are now handled, has put together many different relief
options beyond the deferment solution which is only putting the problem off.
American Debt Enders is now in a position with a simple one page application, which can be downloaded
at: consolidate my student loans, to provide you with an accurate quote with
what can be done to provide relief for your student loans.
Additionally, if you have private student
loans which are now in collection, we can also help with those in a debt
settlement program. So why should you take
action? Because student loans have no other solution except to pay them. You
cannot file bankruptcy for federal or private student loans, you simply cannot
escape them due to the way in which the laws are written. It doesn’t matter if
you found that dream job after that one hundred thousand dollar education or
not. If you default, you will wind up having your wages garnished, and liens
put on anything you own. This is crazy, when it simply does not have to be.
So please, I urge you. Save yourself from the
madness, and contact us for immediate help and student loan relief.
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