This is part one of a two part article explaining exactly what debt invalidation is.
The above question is a popular inquiry on Google and all other search engines. So time to really delve into it. Their may be some variations on each companies approach, but overall this article will provide you with a thorough understanding about this process which is becoming more popular. First, what it is not. It is not illegal, it is not a scam, it is not immoral, it is not Debt Settlement, or Bankruptcy. Secondly, the company you hire to represent you and your interest does not have to be a law firm, although it is good to have an Attorney involved in the process, or at least on standby, should one become necessary. We will cover this in more detail later on. By the way, American Debt Enders is not a law firm and does not give legal advise. For all the trouble makers on the internet, providing information and education about law, is not the practice of law.
Despite what most consumers believe, one does not have to have a BAR card to be an authorized representative for another person. Contrary to popular belief, there are no laws against appointing a personal authorized representative to present your interests in a claim or dispute. It would be against all American equitable principals to create laws that would prevent a free man or woman from appointing an authorized representative, or agent, to act on their behalf. Other terms for a personal authorized representative may include, power of attorney, trustee, executor and agent to name a few. Sorry lawyers.
Next Item. Why Dispute A Debt? A debt should be disputed to make a debt collector prove they have the right to collect on a particular alleged debt. Their is absolutely nothing illegal or immoral about doing this.
It is the law that makes it possible. For clarification, I do not and would never recommend using this method to avoid a debt you know is valid and that you really owe and can afford to pay.
When a debt collector sends a notice of a debt owed to a consumer they are making a claim against that consumer. Note:(this article is based on researching the debt dispute program as laid out by Infinity Consumer Services, which contains some unique elements.) When you the consumer dispute the debt you are making a counterclaim, the claim and counterclaim create a commercial record of both. right at the outset of the dispute. The following information must appear on all notices for collection sent to a consumer. “…unless you dispute this debt within 30 days of receipt of this letter, we’ll assume the debt is valid.” Please notice the word Assume. If all debts were valid without assumption than their would be no need for any laws governing the rules for dispute.
Please do take the time to read part two of this a article, and if you are interested in enrolling in this powerful debt relief program, feel free to call. 877-766-2465.
Yours Truly
Steven Ciantro
Consumer Advocate
American Debt Enders
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