After Twelve Years or more of being a dedicated Consumer Advocate, I have reached some conclusions about what programs and approaches work more effectively and efficiently to achieve the desired results. One thing is for sure, and that is the fact that the consumer is up against it when it comes to the monetary system. A system where the consumer, and that would be you, actually has to be prepared with knowledge before starting the game or risk having to hire a professional such as myself, or an advocacy company like American Debt Enders to maneuver through the minefield. Before we go on, lets understand why. Both Banks and the Government are able to keep you under their control with regulations. The credit scoring rules can be extremely unreasonable, and credit reports are the way banks charge those 9% interest rates in a 2% world.
The Federal government keeps you under control by writing the rules that both the banks and consumers must live by, take for example the Bankruptcy laws, which make it ever more difficult to legally walk away from debt, no matter how overwhelmed you may be.
So, rules are a two way street.If you have to comply then so do they, and this is where
debt dispute comes in. This insures that debt collectors and debt buyers cannot just run you over
like in a car drive by. To say the least it levels the playing field, even, for you the distressed consumer, tilts the odds in your favor.
When a dispute company disputes a debt on your behalf it is to make the debt collector prove they have a right to collect. If they do not, they cannot collect the alleged debt. Debt Dispute creates a commercial record of the dispute which can be used as a record in the case of your counterclaim, should their be one.
. When a debt collector sends a consumer a debt collection letter, or notice, they are making a claim that the consumer owes them an alleged debt. When a consumer disputes that debt, the dispute becomes a counterclaim in the world of commerce. The information that must be included on all debt collection notices by third party debt collectors according to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act must be, “…unless you dispute this debt within 30 days of receipt of this letter, we’ll assume the debt is valid.” Notice the word assume in the debt collection letter verbiage. They only make an assumption that the debt is valid because consumers are usually unaware they have a right to rebut that assumption. This begs the question, if all debt is valid, why is there laws that give the consumer a right to question the validity of their debts? If all debts were valid, there would be no need for a dispute. (taken from Debt Dispute, Frequently asked questions, by Infinity Consumer Solutions).
So the title of this article asks if Debt Dispute is the fastest way to credit restoration? The debt dispute process takes If the process is started from when the debts have gone to collection it would take 12 months. If started from the time before the account has been sold or transferred to a debt collector the process would take 18 months. By contrast, a debt settlement program, which can be an excellent way to deal with debt as well, takes anywhere from 24 to 48 months.
Yours Truly
Steven Ciantro
Consumer Advocate
American Debt Enders
Rated 3rd Nationally
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Member National Association of Certified Credit Counselors
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