Federal student loan debt is pushing one trillion dollars nationally. If you are not currently drowning in your student loan debt this may not be meaningful to you, but it does effect you because it drags the entire economy. If you are having trouble managing your student loans then by all means read on, because we have the answer for you.
The Dep’t of Education through which all Federal Student Loans are now handled, has put together many different relief options beyond the deferment solution which is only putting the problem off. American Debt Enders is now in a position with a simple one page application, which can be downloaded at: consolidate my student loans, to provide you with an accurate quote with what can be done to provide relief for your student loans.
Additionally, if you have private student loans which are now in collection, we can also help with those in a debt settlement program. So why should you take action? Because student loans have no other solution except to pay them. You cannot file bankruptcy for federal or private student loans, you simply cannot escape them due to the way in which the laws are written. It doesn’t matter if you found that dream job after that one hundred thousand dollar education or not. If you default, you will wind up having your wages garnished, and liens put on anything you own. This is crazy, when it simply does not have to be.
So please, I urge you. Save yourself from the madness, and contact us for immediate help and student loan relief.
The ADE FREE Debt Help Phone Numbers:
Free Credit Counseling---
Student Loan Consolidation--- 877-766-2465
Free Bankruptcy Counseling-- 516-204-4640 (National Number)
Credit Restoration Counseling-888-586-2661 Inc. Free Credit Report Review
Each of these numbers provides Free Counseling.
Yours Truly
Steven Ciantro
Consumer Advocate
American Debt Enders
Rated 3rd Nationally
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Member National Association of Certified Credit Counselors
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