The best debt settlement companies are now evolving into more than simply companies that take care of your debt problems. After all, even in my credit counseling experience, and my counseling is always free, it is really the whole person that needs help. Here is exactly what I mean. The debt problem may have arisen because the husband and the wife do not ever speak about money. They never had the necessary discussion, one of many, about who will handle the money. How will they make major purchasing decisions. Who will actually handle the mechanics, like writing the checks which should really be a function of the person with the better math skills. And please realize that writing the checks is different than deciding on the overall financial plan.
So, what does a settlement program have to do with all this? Plenty. The best settlement companies I know are those that look to the whole person. Almost like a true financial adviser.
Why is this needed? I recently counseled a couple that would have saved over 30,000 dollars in interest fees by enrolling in a personal debt management or debt consolidation program. They were resistant, although saw the benefit of the program, because they felt that they would have a problem coming up with one lump sum payment instead of paying each card as they could each month. So, this was a matter of budgeting, and we ultimately found a solution.
How about getting all this from a settlement program: that also provides free ongoing credit counseling. A phone call every two weeks to explain how to handle creditor calls, and how about personal finance issues. Well such a program does exist.
If you want to learn more, please feel free to visit: debt settlement program where the talking is always free.
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Here Are Helpful Debt Help Phone Numbers
That Offer Free Debt Help.
Free Telephone Bankruptcy Counseling: Call 516-204-4640 (National Number)
Free Credit Restoration Counseling: Call: 888-586-2661
Consolidate My Student Loans: Call: 855-794-3425
If you would like to speak to me simply use my contact information below.
Yours Truly
Steven Ciantro
Consumer Advocate
American Debt Enders
Certified Credit Counselor
TalkShoe Radio Host
Member National Association of Certified Credit Counselors
Debt Expert for Gail Kasper's Top 1% Club
Gail Kasper's Top 1% Club
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Posted by: Bench Craft Company | September 13, 2013 at 07:44 AM
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Posted by: Eino Jutila | October 02, 2012 at 02:11 AM